sách the dip - the extraordinary benefits of knowing when to quit (and when to stick) thuộc thể loại sách foreign books, Business, Finance & Management, Business & Management, Management & Management Techniques, được nhà xuất bản đang cập nhât phát hành với hình thức sách mềm hiện đang là Top sách download free nhiều nhất tại Taisach.vn
Thông Tin Chi Tiết | |
Tên Nhà Cung Cấp | Hachette UK Distribution |
Tác giả | seth godin |
NXB | đang cập nhât |
Năm XB | 2024 |
Ngôn Ngữ | Sách Nước Ngoài |
Trọng lượng (gr) | |
Kích Thước Bao Bì | 19.6 x 12.4 x 1.8 cm |
Số trang | 96 |
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Sách the dip - the extraordinary benefits of knowing when to quit (and when to stick) là một cuốn sách thú vị với nhiều kiến thức hấp dẫn.
The Dip - The Extraordinary Benefits Of Knowing When To Quit (And When To Stick)
The iconic bestseller about knowing when to quit and when to persevere. Seth Godin proves that winners are really just the best quitters.
A New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestseller
In this iconic bestseller, legendary business thinker and bestselling author Seth Godin proves that winners are really just the best quitters. Godin shows that winners quit fast, quit often and quit without guilt - until they commit to beating the right Dip.
Every new project (or job, or hobby, or company) starts out fun . . .then gets really hard, and not much fun at all. You might be in a Dip - a temporary setback that will get better if you keep pushing. But maybe it's really a Cul-de-Sac - a total dead end. What really sets superstars apart is the ability to tell the two apart.
Winners seek out the Dip. They realize that the bigger the barrier, the bigger the reward for getting past it. If you can beat the Dip to be the best, you'll earn profits, glory and long-term security.
Whether you're an intern or a CEO, this fun little book will help you figure out if you're in a Dip that's worthy of your time, effort and talents. The old saying is wrong - winners do quit, and quitters do win.
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