the six disciplines of strategic thinking

the six disciplines of strategic thinking

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Nhà cung cấp: HarperCollins Publishers

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Thông Tin Sáchthe six disciplines of strategic thinking

Thông Tin Chi Tiết
Tên Nhà Cung CấpHarperCollins Publishers
Tác giảMichael D. Watkins
NXBHarper Business
Năm XB2024
Ngôn NgữSách Nước Ngoài
Trọng lượng (gr)
Kích Thước Bao Bì22.8 x 15.2 x 1.7 cm
Số trang192

Tải Sách the six disciplines of strategic thinking Miễn Phí

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Tóm Tắt the six disciplines of strategic thinking

Sách the six disciplines of strategic thinking là một cuốn sách thú vị với nhiều kiến thức hấp dẫn.

The Six Disciplines Of Strategic Thinking

International bestselling author of The First 90 Days Michael D. Watkins presents an actionable new framework to help aspiring leaders learn to think strategically—a set of skills more necessary than ever in a world of constant change.

Pattern recognition. Systems perspective. Mental agility. Structured problem-solving. Visioning. Political savvy. For every good leader who has mastered of one of these disciplines is a great leader who knows and has mastered all of them.

Michael D. Watkins, an expert on leadership transitions and organizational success, returns to the page with a new how-to guide for the modern leader. Here, he presents the six disciplines that separate the great from the good. Developed over the course of his storied career, Watkins’ approach to strategic thinking—"a set of mental disciplines leaders use to recognize potential threats and opportunities, establish priorities, and mobilize themselves and their organizations to envision and enact promising paths forward”—is the model followed by some of today’s most successful first-time CEOs and new business leaders.

The Six Disciplines of Strategic Thinking is a comprehensive and practical guide to strategic thinking, offering a wealth of insights and tools for leaders at all levels.

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