essential japanese phrasebook & dictionary - speak japanese with confidence

essential japanese phrasebook & dictionary - speak japanese with confidence

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Nhà cung cấp: Berkeley Books

sách essential japanese phrasebook & dictionary - speak japanese with confidence thuộc thể loại sách foreign books, Education & Reference, Foreign Languages, được nhà xuất bản Tuttle Publishing phát hành với hình thức sách mềm hiện đang là Top sách download free nhiều nhất tại

Thông Tin Sáchessential japanese phrasebook & dictionary - speak japanese with confidence

Thông Tin Chi Tiết
Tên Nhà Cung CấpBerkeley Books
Tác giảTuttle Publishing
NXBTuttle Publishing
Năm XB2017
Ngôn NgữSách Nước Ngoài
Trọng lượng (gr)
Kích Thước Bao Bì19 x 13 x 1.5 cm
Số trang192

Tải Sách essential japanese phrasebook & dictionary - speak japanese with confidence Miễn Phí

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Tóm Tắt essential japanese phrasebook & dictionary - speak japanese with confidence

Sách essential japanese phrasebook & dictionary - speak japanese with confidence là một cuốn sách thú vị với nhiều kiến thức hấp dẫn.

Essential Japanese Phrasebook & Dictionary - Speak Japanese With Confidence

Essential Japanese Phrase Book & Dictionary teaches you the practical phrases and expressions needed for common, everyday interactions in Japan in a clear, concise, accessible and enjoyable way.

Key features of this Japanese phrasebook and dictionary include:

Over 1,500 practical phrases for everyday use

An English to Japanese dictionary with over 2,000 terms and expressions

Essential expressions used for meeting people, starting conversations, and asking and replying to simple questions

Manga illustrations to illustrate critical phrases and situations

A pronunciation guide and Japanese grammar notes explain the basic sounds and sentence patterns of the Japanese language

The latest Japanese vocabulary and phrases for smartphones, social media and more

Japan travel tips, cultural notes and much more!

All words and phrases are in Romanized form as well as the Japanese script. Basic Japanese grammar and pronunciation notes get you speaking right away, and tips on culture and etiquette allow you to interact in Japanese without making serious blunders.

Whether you're a novice or have some experience with the language, this is a reference you'll turn to again and again when visiting Japan and interacting with Japanese people.

About the Author:

Tuttle Studio draws inspiration from the modern and traditional cultures of Asia to create its language workbooks and resources, journals, stationery, gift wrapping products and origami paper. It is a division of Tuttle Publishing, a leading publisher of books on the languages, history, art and cultures of Asia. The company was founded in 1832 in Rutland, Vermont (USA) and opened a branch in Tokyo, Japan in 1948.

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