sách essential vietnamese grammar - a comprehensive guide for foreign learners (free online audio recordings) thuộc thể loại sách foreign books, Education & Reference, Foreign Languages, được nhà xuất bản Tuttle Publishing phát hành với hình thức sách mềm hiện đang là Top sách download free nhiều nhất tại Taisach.vn
Thông Tin Chi Tiết | |
Tên Nhà Cung Cấp | Berkeley Books |
Tác giả | Tri C. Tran |
NXB | Tuttle Publishing |
Năm XB | 2024 |
Ngôn Ngữ | Sách Nước Ngoài |
Trọng lượng (gr) | |
Kích Thước Bao Bì | 19 x 13 x 1.8 cm |
Số trang | 256 |
Bạn có thể tải cuốn sách essential vietnamese grammar - a comprehensive guide for foreign learners (free online audio recordings) PDF hoặc đọc ebook, epub, nghe sách nói audio online miễn phí cuốn sách essential vietnamese grammar - a comprehensive guide for foreign learners (free online audio recordings) PDF của tác giả Tri C. Tran được xuất bản bởi nhà xuất bản Tuttle Publishing.
Sách essential vietnamese grammar - a comprehensive guide for foreign learners (free online audio recordings) là một cuốn sách thú vị với nhiều kiến thức hấp dẫn.
Essential Vietnamese Grammar - A Comprehensive Guide For Foreign Learners (Free Online Audio Recordings)
Essential Vietnamese Grammar is designed for use by English-speakers to help them speak and write Vietnamese more naturally.
The twelve chapters in this book cover the essential sentence constructions of Vietnamese—from beginning to intermediate and advanced levels. Strong emphasis is placed on the differences between translating directly from English, which can yield awkward and incorrect sentences, and the use of idiomatic Vietnamese grammar and expressions. This book can be used for self-study or classroom instruction, as well as for review or brushing up your language skills.
All Vietnamese grammatical concepts are clearly explained and copiously illustrated with example phrases and sentences. The chapters progress from fundamental concepts (the sounds of Vietnamese, spelling, the use of accent marks and tones) to structural elements (parts of speech, grammatical functions, the structure of phrases and sentences), and then to nuances expressed through word choice, word order and cultural elements.
Each chapter is accompanied by a set of exercises (with answer keys provided) that the learner can use to reinforce their understanding of the materials and their ability to apply them to real-life situations.
Audio recordings by native speakers are available online for all the Vietnamese sentences to help the learner acquire good pronunciation and intonation patterns for various types of sentences.
About the Author:
Tri C. Tran, PhD, teaches linguistics and Vietnamese at the University of California, Irvine. He obtained his PhD and MA in Romance Linguistics and Literatures from the University of California, Los Angeles, and his BA in Spanish Linguistics from the University of California, Irvine. His publications include Spanish and Vietnamese language textbooks and a bilingual dictionary for students of linguistics. He is the author of Reading and Writing Vietnamese and co-author of Vietnamese Stories for Language Learners, both published by Tuttle.
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Nội dung sách và cảm nhận, đánh giá, review sách essential vietnamese grammar - a comprehensive guide for foreign learners (free online audio recordings) của tác giả Tri C. Tran sẽ được cập nhật sớm tại TaiSach.vn. Chúc bạn có trải nghiệm đọc sách essential vietnamese grammar - a comprehensive guide for foreign learners (free online audio recordings) PDF thật tuyệt vời.
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