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Thông Tin Chi Tiết
Tên Nhà Cung CấpPenguin Books
Tác giảjeff kinney
NXBđang cập nhât
Năm XB2012
Ngôn NgữSách Nước Ngoài
Trọng lượng (gr)
Kích Thước Bao Bì14 x 20.5
Số trang256

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Imagine all the Wimpy Kid laughs you've had from reading the diaries, all the best bits you talk about with your friends and all the cartoons of Greg Heffley you've had a go at drawing yourself. Now imagine it all - on screen! ""The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary"" goes behind the scenes of each of the three Wimpy Kid movies to tell the story of Greg Heffley from the funniest cartoon character ever, to a real live person on the big screen. A full-colour diary complete with photographs, script pages, storyboard sketches, costume designs, and more hilarious Wimpy Kid drawings by Jeff Kinney. ""The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary"" is the perfect companion to the phenomenally bestselling series.

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