sách conversations with the z's, book one: the energetics of the new human soul thuộc thể loại sách foreign books, Mind, Body & Spirit, Mind, Body, Spirit: Thought & Practice, được nhà xuất bản New World Library phát hành với hình thức sách mềm hiện đang là Top sách download free nhiều nhất tại Taisach.vn
Thông Tin Chi Tiết | |
Tên Nhà Cung Cấp | Ingram Academic Services |
Tác giả | Lee Harris |
NXB | New World Library |
Năm XB | 2022 |
Ngôn Ngữ | Sách Nước Ngoài |
Trọng lượng (gr) | |
Kích Thước Bao Bì | 21.6 x 14 x 0.9 cm |
Số trang | 135 |
Bạn có thể tải cuốn sách conversations with the z's, book one: the energetics of the new human soul PDF hoặc đọc ebook, epub, nghe sách nói audio online miễn phí cuốn sách conversations with the z's, book one: the energetics of the new human soul PDF của tác giả Lee Harris được xuất bản bởi nhà xuất bản New World Library.
Sách conversations with the z's, book one: the energetics of the new human soul là một cuốn sách thú vị với nhiều kiến thức hấp dẫn.
Conversations With The Z's, Book One: The Energetics Of The New Human Soul
A revered, high-profile spiritual teacher presents channeled conversations with his guides offering fascinating details about how we live and connect with Spirit in the multidimensional universe
Lee Harris has been receiving communication from his guides, the Z's, for twenty-four years. These communications have allowed him to help hundreds of thousands around the world. He has made this wisdom available in a variety of ways, including audio recordings, live events, and online seminars, but here he offers a truly unique way of communicating with his guides and readers.
In this one-of-a-kind and distinctly modern format, Harris presents his channeling in conversation with psychotherapist Dianna Edwards, who describes her work as "listening to hear." Her questioning allows for a crystal-clear exploration of Harris's method and a beautifully contemporary way of encountering and absorbing the wisdom transmitted from the Z's.
Readers learn how to:
- connect with their own guides
- interpret and learn from dreams
- navigate the current state of environmental, political, and cultural disarray
- employ the magnetics of manifestation
Anyone who has any interest in the personal and planetary way forward will benefit from Harris's offering. The voices he channels are compelling and undeniable, and the material presented is practical and meaningful -- even transformational -- for today's readers.
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Nội dung sách và cảm nhận, đánh giá, review sách conversations with the z's, book one: the energetics of the new human soul của tác giả Lee Harris sẽ được cập nhật sớm tại TaiSach.vn. Chúc bạn có trải nghiệm đọc sách conversations with the z's, book one: the energetics of the new human soul PDF thật tuyệt vời.
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