The fourth edition of this successful five-level series engages students through authentic and compelling content and empowers them to achieve their academic and personal goals.
Conceptualized to promote critical thinking, NorthStar Fourth edition infuses analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and application throughout every lesson, not just in a critical thinking section like in other series.
Blended approach with MyEnglishLab: NorthStar - Online activities offer support and expansion on class activities, fully blending the student book with MyEnglishLab for extra practice, in-depth analysis, ongoing assessment, and instant feedback.
New and updated content, with thought-provoking themes ranging from phobias to social media, students will connect to the most current content available. Inclusion of explicit language skills allows students to build their language proficiency. Presentation and practice in each unit raise student awareness of key academic skills.
Using MyEnglishLab: North Star, Teachers can deliver rich online content to engage and motivate students and use diagnostic reports. They can also monitor student progress using an online gradebook.
Use the Teacher Resource eText to access:
• A digital copy of the Student Book for whole-class instruction.
• Downloadable achievement and placement tests.
• Printable resources including lesson planners, videoscripts, and video activities.
• Classroom audio.
• Teacher's manuals including answer keys.