top notch (3e) fundmntls: student's book

top notch (3e) fundmntls: student's book

American English • 4 Levels • CEF A1 – B1
The bestselling course that teaches the world English, now in third edition!
Top Notch builds confidence for successful oral expression through an expanded speaking pedagogy and prepares students for academic work through the development of critical thinking skills and reading and listening strategies.
With a new, modern design and tools that make teaching more effective, the third edition will help you get the most out of your students.
NEW Conversation Activator Video
This unique video component dramatizes all of the conversation models, demonstrating how to personalize and extend them, greatly increasing students’ oral expression.
NEW Pronunciation Coach Video
Helps students achieve more accurate pronunciation. A video Pronunciation Coach demonstrates, clarifies, and provides simple guided practice of each unit’s pronunciation topic.
NEW Grammar Practice Activities
Every grammar presentation now includes additional exercises, available in both printable and digital format.
NEW Teacher ActiveTeach software for in-class presentation, planning assessment and extra support includes:
Digital Student Book for interactive white boards (IWB), with interactive activities and instant access to audio
Conversation Activator Video
Pronunciation Coach Video
New Digital flash card player
Method’s Handbook for professional development
Detailed lesson plans
Answer keys and audio/video scripts
Readymade achievement tests plus editable tests
Extra worksheets and more.

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