<p>Teen Eli Readers - Festivals Are Fun! - Stage 2 A2 - Downloadable Audio Files</p>
<p>Do you want to join us on our A-Z journey around the festivals of Britain?</p>
<p>Would you like to learn about the biggest dog show in the world?</p>
<p>Or how many fire festivals there are in Britain? Do you want to know what happens during the festival of sleep and find out on which day British people eat pancakes?</p>
<p>You can discover the answers to these questions and learn much more about the different festivals and events that happen every year in Britain. Let’s go and have some fun!</p>
<p>Topics Festivals, Culture and traditions, Places, Music, Sport, Food, Animals, History, Seasons, Free Time</p>
<p>Notions and Concepts Describing places, Describing events, Talking about traditions, Making suggestions, Likes and Dislikes</p>
<p>Other Adverbs, Adjectives, Prepositions, Comparatives and superlatives, Present simple, Past simple, Present perfect, Gerund