how women rise

how women rise

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Thông Tin Sáchhow women rise

Thông Tin Chi Tiết
Tên Nhà Cung CấpHachette Book Group
Tác giảMarshall GoldsmithSally Helgesen
Năm XB2018
Ngôn NgữSách Nước Ngoài
Trọng lượng (gr)
Kích Thước Bao Bì22.9 x 15.8 x 2.3 cm
Số trang256

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Tóm Tắt how women rise

Sách how women rise là một cuốn sách thú vị với nhiều kiến thức hấp dẫn.

How Women Rise

Overcome the twelve habits holding you back and take your career to new heights with this wise and approachable guide from two business leadership experts.

Ready to take the next step in your career . . . but not sure what's holding you back? Read on.

Leadership expert Sally Helgesen and bestselling leadership coach Marshall Goldsmith have trained thousands of high achievers -- men and women -- to reach even greater heights. Again and again, they see that women face specific and different roadblocks from men as they advance in the workplace. In fact, the very habits that helped women early in their careers can hinder them as they move up. Simply put, what got you here won't get you there . . . and you might not even realize your blind spots until it's too late.

Are you great with the details? To rise, you need to do less and delegate more.

Are you a team player? To advance, you need to take credit as easily as you share it.

Are you a star networker? Leaders know a network is no good unless you know how to use it.

Sally and Marshall identify the twelve habits that hold women back as they seek to advance, showing them why what worked for them in the past might actually be sabotaging their future success. Building on Marshall's classic bestseller What Got You Here Won't Get You There, How Women Rise is essential reading for any woman who is ready to advance to the next level.

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