how to solve a murder

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Nhà cung cấp: Macmillan US

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Thông Tin Sáchhow to solve a murder

Thông Tin Chi Tiết
Tên Nhà Cung CấpMacmillan US
Tác giảH. A. Ripley
NXBCastle Point Books
Năm XB2024
Ngôn NgữSách Nước Ngoài
Trọng lượng (gr)
Kích Thước Bao Bì19.1 x 14 x 1 cm
Số trang176

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How To Solve A Murder

Use your wits to solve 70 detect-o-gram mysteries!

With just your common sense and a capable eye for detail, you can learn How to Solve a Murder. In this unassuming book of 70 detect-o-grams (brief but curious mysteries you can solve in a minute), you will dust off the case files of a time gone by, when the answers were not at your fingertips. Do away with forensic tools and technology and focus on the barest of facts and critical details. Follow the guidance of the fictional Professor Fordney, a mere intellectual with a sharp wit, whose assessments broke cases wide open and embarrassed the likes of detectives who could not see the easy answers before them. Simply ask yourself: What is it about the criminals’ own hubris, negligence, or even stupidity, that will lead you to the solutions?

- Decode 70 puzzles that only take a minute to solve, and perfect your crime-solving skills

- Travel back in time to when Depression-era tensions led to bootlegging, corruption, estate theft, and scandals

- Make it a party game! Solve cases―from jewelry heists and crimes of jealousy to brazen murders

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