breathe, you are alive!

breathe, you are alive!

Breathe, You Are Alive: Awakening to the True Nature of Breath with Thich Nhat Hanh

This timeless guide to mindfulness, originally published in 2002, provides a comprehensive exploration of the profound power of conscious breathing, drawing from the ancient wisdom of the Buddha's Anapanasati Sutra. In **Breathe, You Are Alive**, renowned Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh expertly guides readers through sixteen exercises designed to cultivate awareness of our breath, ultimately leading to spiritual awakening.

A Journey of Breath and Insight

Thich Nhat Hanh's approach to mindful breathing is not merely a technique but a pathway to self-discovery. He masterfully bridges the gap between the physical act of breathing and its profound implications for our mental and spiritual well-being. The exercises progress systematically, starting with a keen focus on the physical sensations of breath, and gradually expanding to encompass the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit.

The Power of Conscious Breathing

**Breathe, You Are Alive** offers a unique blend of practical exercises and insightful commentaries that invite readers to:

* **Become aware of their breath in everyday life:** Thich Nhat Hanh emphasizes the integration of mindfulness into daily activities, helping readers cultivate a consistent state of awareness, even amidst the busyness of modern life.

* **Cultivate peace and tranquility:** By focusing on the breath, readers learn to navigate the complexities of emotions and thoughts with greater clarity and composure.

* **Connect to the present moment:** The practice of mindful breathing serves as a powerful anchor, grounding individuals in the present moment and releasing the grip of past regrets and future anxieties.

* **Discover the true nature of existence:** Through the transformative power of breath, readers are invited to explore the interconnectedness of all things and awaken to the inherent beauty and interconnectedness of life.

A Guide for All

This 20th anniversary edition features updated commentaries and practices, providing a fresh perspective on the timeless wisdom of breath awareness meditation. The inclusion of Thich Nhat Hanh's "Breathing and Walking" Gatha, set to music, adds a unique dimension to the practice, enhancing its accessibility and emotional resonance.

**Breathe, You Are Alive** is a compelling and insightful guide for anyone seeking to cultivate inner peace, deepen their connection to themselves and the world around them, and embark on a journey of personal transformation. Thich Nhat Hanh's compassionate guidance and clear instructions make this practice accessible to all, regardless of their prior experience with meditation.

love in action, second edition - writings on nonviolent social change

love in action, second edition - writings on nonviolent social change

<p>Love In Action, Second Edition - Writings On Nonviolent Social Change</p>

<p>Be inspired by 21 key writings on nonviolence and reconciliation by Vietnamese peace activist and refugee advocate Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh</p>

<p>"The essence of nonviolence is love," Thich Nhat Hanh says. "Out of love and the willingness to act selflessly, strategies, tactics, and techniques for a nonviolent struggle arise naturally." Collecting essays written by Thich Nhat Hanh at crucial moments of social transformation, Love in Action is an important resource for anyone engaged in social work, community organizing, political action, and cause-oriented movements.</p>

<p>Reflecting on the devastation of war, Thich Nhat Hanh makes the strong argument that ethics and altruistic love based on mindfulness and insight are the only truly sustainable bases for political action. Having played a central role in the Buddhist nonviolent movement for peace in Vietnam during the 1960s and serving as Chair of the Buddhist Peace delegation to the Paris Peace Accords in 1973, Thich Nhat Hanh speaks with the voice of experience: "There is no way to peace. Peace is the way."</p>

<p>Together with essays on the connections between outer engagement and the inner work for peace, this anthology also features poetry and the script of the hauntingly beautiful 1972 play, The Path of Return Continues the Journey. The play's characters are drawn from the author's own life, the young men and women of his School of Youth for Social Service--many of whom were killed for their social actions. "At 12:30 a.m. on July 5, 1967, in the village of Binh Phuoc, Gia Dinh Province, a group of strangers abducted five young men, brought them to the bank of the Saigon River, and shot them," reports Thich Nhat Hanh. "All five were volunteer workers in the School of Youth for Social Service, a nonviolent organization that sought only to heal the wounds of war and reconstruct the villages." An elegy and a prayer for peace, the script shows a less-known side of the young Thich Nhat Hanh: grieving, profoundly in touch with his sorrow and pain, and channeling his anguish into art, inspired by love.</p>

happy teachers change the world: a guide for cultivating mindfulness in education

happy teachers change the world: a guide for cultivating mindfulness in education

<p>Happy Teachers Change The World: A Guide For Cultivating Mindfulness In Education</p>

<p>Happy Teachers Change the World is the first official, authoritative manual of the Thich Nhat Hanh/Plum Village approach to mindfulness in education. Spanning the whole range of schools and grade levels, from preschool through higher education, these techniques are grounded in the everyday world of schools, colleges, and universities.</p>

<p>Beginning firmly with teachers and all those working with students, including administrators, counselors, and other personnel, the Plum Village approach stresses that educators must first establish their own mindfulness practice since everything they do in the classroom will be based on that foundation. The book includes easy-to-follow, step-by-step techniques perfected by educators to teach themselves and to apply to their work with students and colleagues, along with inspirational stories of the ways in which teachers have made mindfulness practice alive and relevant for themselves and their students across the school and out into the community.</p>

<p>The instructions in Happy Teachers Change the World are offered as basic practices taught by Thich Nhat Hanh, followed by guidance from educators using these practices in their classrooms, with ample in-class interpretations, activities, tips, and instructions. Woven throughout are stories from members of the Plum Village community around the world who are applying these teachings in their own lives and educational contexts.</p>

fidelity : how mindfulness can strengthen and nurture our intimate relationships

fidelity : how mindfulness can strengthen and nurture our intimate relationships

What does healthy intimacy look like? How we do we keep the energy and passion alive in long-term relationships? What practices can help us forgive our partner when he or she has hurt us? How can we get a new relationship off to a strong and stable start? What do we do if we feel restless in a relationship or attracted to someone outside of our partner? These are just some of the questions Zen master and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Thich Nhat Hanh has been asked by practitioners and readers alike. Deeply moved by the suffering that can be caused by these issues, he offers concrete guidance in his first ever writings on intimacy and healthy sexuality.Fidelity guides the reader to an understanding about how we can maintain our relationships; keep them fresh, and accepting and loving our partner for who they are. Fidelity gives concrete advice on how to stay attentive and nourishing of each other amidst the many responsibilities and pressures of daily life. Readers will learn how to foster open communication, dealing with anger and other strong emotions, learning to forgive, and practicing gratitude and appreciation.Fidelity is written for both couples in a committed relationship wanting to further develop a spiritual dimension in their lives together, and for those where infidelity or hurt may have occurred, and there is a need for best practices to re-weave the net of love and understanding. In addition to addressing every day occurrences and challenges, Thich Nhat Hanh shows how traditional Buddhist teachings on attachment, deep listening, and loving speech can help energize and restore our relationships. Written in a clear and accessible style, and filled with personal stories, simple practices and exercises, Fidelity is for couples at all stage of relationships. It the guide book for anyone looking to create long-lasting and healthy intimacy.

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