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Thông Tin Sách日本語総まとめ n2文法 英語・ベトナム nihongo sou matome n2 bunpou eigo. betonamu

Thông Tin Chi Tiết
Tên Nhà Cung CấpKinokuniya Book Stores
Tác giả松本紀子佐々木仁子
Năm XB2016
Ngôn NgữSách Nước Ngoài
Trọng lượng (gr)
Kích Thước Bao Bì0.9 x 18.5 x 25.9
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Tải Sách 日本語総まとめ n2文法 英語・ベトナム nihongo sou matome n2 bunpou eigo. betonamu Miễn Phí

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Total selling series together (N2) [English / Vietnamese Edition] is out! This book is aspiring to become new Japan language proficiency test N2 who want to come back after finishing intermediate study is a primer for those who want to learn the sentence structures commonly used in daily life. CU bc n sch ng Nhng php ny dnh cho nh Nhng ng bc i t nhc ng sau: Nh Nhng ng b HA n t m c tiu thi ngp u c y p depending N2 c a K thi Nng l thc c Nh ngp t ng Nhng theo quy cch m were gradually i. Nh Nhng ng b HA n h bc c xong trnh depending trung y p c v mu bc n n t ngp p. Nh Nhng ng ng tri i mu bc n h bc c cc m u cu c ch th tri ng nhc c s kh d ng trong cu depending c s bc ng hng ngy. This is a grammar drill book for: those who are seriously studying for the new JLPT Level N2, those who have, in the main, and finished the intermediate level study and wish to review them, those who wish to learn useful sentence patterns which are used in your d aily life.

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