<p>IELTS Trainer 2 Academic</p>
<p>Lưu ý: Riêng IELTS Trainer 2, không thể tải audio được trực tiếp từ website nhà xuất bản. Trong mỗi sách sẽ có 1 code, người dùng lấy code từ bìa sách rồi vào trang www.esource.cambridge.org để tải trực tiếp.</p>
<p>SIX IELTS Academic practice tests for perfect exam training, including details of the test format, question types and scoring system, plus step-by-step guidance and tips.</p>
<p>IELTS Trainer 2 is the perfect companion for IELTS Academic module exam preparation. As well as SIX full practice tests, it offers easy-to-follow, expert guidance and tips designed to guarantee exam success. The first two tests are fully guided with step-by-step advice on how to tackle each paper. Extra grammar, vocabulary and writing practice activities are informed by a bank of real candidates' exam papers and focus on areas where students typically need most help.</p>
<p>IELTS Trainer 2 comes with downloadable resources including audio, audioscripts and answer keys with clear explanations.</p>
<p>What's inside?</p>
<p>Six full practice tests with answers and teacher's note: the first two with easy-to-follow, expert guidance.</p>
<p>The two guilded tests include :</p>
<p>- 120 Tips</p>
<p>- 39 Advice boxes</p>
<p>- Training activities</p>
<p>- Exam practice</p>
<p>Exam orientation and frequently asked questions.</p>
<p>Resources download includes audio audioscripts and answer keys</p>
<p>How to use it?</p>
<p>Build confidence in each exam paper by following the step-by-step guidance, tips and strategies in the Training and Exam Practice exercises in the first two tests.</p>
<p>Develop exam technique with the final four tests, applying the lessons. techniques and hints acquired in Tests 1 and 2.</p>